Terms & Conditions

T-Lix, published and operated by Mr. Kamboua, individual entrepreneur, registered in the SIRENE directory, under the number 489 352 708, operating at 7 rue Edmond Lefebvre - 91200 Athis Mons, whose intra-community VAT number is FR93489352708 (hereinafter referred to as T-Lix) offers a service via a mobile application available on iOS or Android (hereinafter referred to as the "Application") designed to put people looking for a means of transport to a given destination (hereinafter referred to as the "Passengers") in touch with a cab driver holding a professional card (hereinafter referred to as the "Drivers")

Passengers and Drivers are hereafter referred to together as Users.

1. Definition

The following definitions are applicable to the entirety of these terms and conditions of use.

Terms and definitions stated in the singular include the plural.

  • "Application" means the T-lix mobile application operated by Mr. Mohamed Kamboua available on iOS or Android.
  • "GTC" means the present general terms and conditions of use of the T-LIX Service, applicable between T-LIX and Passengers.
  • "Driver": means a cab driver, holding a professional card and using the Application to be put in contact with Passengers, with a view to providing transport services for Passengers.
  • "Account": means the Customer Account and/or the Driver Account.
  • "Customer Account": means the Passenger's dedicated and individualised digital space, accessible with a login and password from the Application.
  • "Driver's Account": refers to the Driver's dedicated and individualized digital space, accessible with a login and password from the Application.
  • "Trip": means a transport service provided by a Driver for the benefit of a Passenger via the T-Lix Service.
  • "Request for a journey": means any request for a transport service made by a Passenger via the T-Lix Service.
  • "Passenger" means any natural person who has a Customer Account.
  • "Fare" means the amount paid by the Passenger to the Driver at the end of the Trip, via the Application.
  • "T-Lix": refers to Mr. Kamboua, an individual entrepreneur, registered in the SIRENE directory under the number 489 352 708, operating at 7 rue Edmond Lefebvre - 91200 Athis Mons, whose intra-community VAT number is FR93489352708.
  • "T-Lix Service": refers to the service for connecting Drivers and Passengers via the Application.
  • "Territory ": refers to the territory(ies) in which the T-Lix Service is made available, as indicated in the Application.
  • "Users" means Drivers and Passengers using the Application.

2. Purpose of the TOS

The TOS apply to the relationship between T-Lix and the User.‍

The purpose of the TOS is to define the terms and conditions of use of the service of connecting Passengers with Drivers offered on the Application as well as to define the rights and obligations of the parties within this framework, the Passengers towards the Drivers and the Drivers towards the Passengers.‍

It is expressly stated that T-Lix is not a party to the contract of carriage entered into by the Driver and the Passenger within the framework of the journeys carried out by the use of the Application.

3. Creation of a customer account, acceptance and modification of the TOS

3.1 - Download the Application

The User who wishes to use the Service must download the Application from the appropriate application download platform.‍

This download is subject to the terms of use specific to the said platform.The Application is usable on cell phones and tablets, in the IOS and Android operating systems.The T-Lix Application may make use of features and content provided by Google Maps.To be able to use the Application, and thus these features, the User expressly accepts the Google Maps Terms of Use (https://maps. google.com/help/terms_maps.html) as well as its privacy policy (https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/).‍

The User agrees that Google may collect his/her location data when the Application is active, in order to operate and improve Google's services.This data may also be shared with T-Lix to enable it to improve its service.On the occasion of this collection, Google's terms and conditions, as well as its privacy policy, apply.

3.2 - Create an account

Any natural person over 18 years old can create an Account on the Application to benefit from the T-Lix Service.‍

The User, whether a Passenger or a Driver, is responsible for the access, use and security of his Account

.‍The User must in particular ensure the confidentiality of his connection data and undertakes to implement all measures to ensure their security and confidentiality. ‍

When creating the Account, the User must create a complex password composed of at least 6 characters consisting of at least one capital letter, at least one number, at least one symbol and at least one letter.‍

The User is free to change his password at any time, in particular to ensure the security of his Account.

  • Creation of a customer account

Creation of a customer account The creation of a customer account by Passengers is mandatory in order to access the Driver Matching Service.

Passengers must enter the information required to create their Customer Account, in particular their first name, last name, email address and telephone number.

  • Creating a user account

The creation of a Driver's Account by Drivers is mandatory in order to access the Service and make contact with Passengers.

The Driver must :

- enter the information required to create his or her Driver's Account, in particular his or her first name, last name, email address and telephone number ;

- provide photographs of both sides of his or her professional cab driver's card and his or her parking permit ;

- specify the characteristics of his or her vehicle.

3.3 - Acceptance and modification of the TOS

During the Account creation process, any person wishing to register undertakes to read the T&Cs and must materialize their consent by checking the box "I have read and accept the T-Lix general terms of use" on the Application.‍

The finalization of the creation of the Account is subject to the acceptance of the GTCS by the User, which is formalized in an email confirming the creation of the Account at the address that was provided during the creation of the Account.‍

In the event that the User does not wish to accept all or part of the GTCS, he/she is requested to immediately renounce any creation of a customer account on the Application.

3.4 - Acceptance and modification of the TOS

The User may access his Account at any time after identifying himself using his login and password.‍

The User undertakes to use the Services personally and not to allow any third party to use them in his place or for his Account, unless he bears full responsibility.

3.5 - Evolution of the T-Lix Service and modification of the TOS

The GCS are likely to be the subject of modifications.

T-Lix will inform the Customer of the modifications made to the GCS in good time and by any means, at least 7 days before their entry into force.

4. Description of the T-LIX service

4.1 - Passenger's request for a Ride and acceptance of the Ride by a Driver

As soon as the Customer Account is created, the Passenger who wishes to make a Trip must open the Application and make a Request for a Trip.

The Passenger must also log into the Application and confirm his/her departure and arrival addresses.

In order to make a Request for a Ride, the Passenger must provide all the required information and in particular the pick-up location and the destination.‍

The Passenger chooses whether or not to validate his/her request. Failing this, the Request for a Ride cannot be processed by the Application.

In case of confirmation of the Request by the Passenger,

- T-Lix indicates to the Passenger a fare estimate for the Trip taking into account the regulatory pricing applicable to cab drivers ;

- The Race Request is proposed to different Drivers, who will in turn view the information of the Race Request, namely the pick-up location, drop-off location, distance to be traveled, estimated time of the Race, estimated time to arrive at the pick-up location, and the fare estimate.

For their part, Drivers must log in to the Application, after having created a Driver Account and remained logged in to be able to receive the Race Requests.The Drivers have an acceptance period to accept or not the request.

At the end of this period, only one Driver will be able to accept the Race Request.

The Drivers and the Passenger are informed via the Application of the confirmation of the Race.

If no Driver accepts the Passenger's Race Request, the Passenger will also be informed of it via the Application.

4.2 - Confirmation of the race

The Passenger is free :

- to accept by confirming the Race on the Application

- to refuse to maintain the request for a Race by cancelling the Race on the Application.

The Passenger is informed via the Application that a Driver is approaching.

T-Lix sends to the Passenger the identification information of the Driver and his vehicle (license plate number, model and color of the Driver's vehicle) and to the Driver the identity of the Passenger.

The estimated approach time of the Driver, provided by the Application, is indicative and based on standard times and does not engage the responsibility of T-Lix.

The Passenger undertakes to show up at the place and time agreed upon at the time of the reservation.

The Driver is free to follow the itinerary of his choice, with the consent of the Passenger.

The fare of a Trip may exceed the fare estimate indicated by the Application in the following cases :

- when the Passenger changes the characteristics of a Request for a Race before the time of pick-up of a Race or during the Race ;

- when an abnormal incident occurs on the route of the Race.

The fare estimate of the Race may change upwards in particular in case of traffic jams, road closures, events, etc...

4.3 - Cancellation of a Race Request

The Passenger may cancel without charge a Request for a Race via the Application.‍

The Driver may cancel without compensation to the Passenger a Race in the cases provided in Article 6.3

4.4 - Absence of the Passenger after confirmation of the Race without cancellation

The Passenger must cancel the Race by using the functionality provided for this purpose by the Application.‍

In case of three absences of the Passenger upon the arrival of the Driver, without prior cancellation, the Passenger is automatically unregistered from the Application and the Customer Account is deleted.

4.5 - Execution and end of the race

Upon the arrival of the Driver, the Passenger concludes a transportation contract with the Driver whose fare will be included in the fare estimate indicated by the Application.‍

The fare of a Race may exceed the fare estimate indicated by the Application in the following cases :

- when the Passenger modifies the characteristics of a Race Request before the pick-up time of a Race or during the Race ;

- when an abnormal incident occurs on the route of the Race.

The fare of a Race is directly paid to the Driver by the Passenger.

No fee is charged by T-Lix to the Passenger.

After the Race, the Passenger can make comments and give a rating to the Driver.

The comments can be published anonymously on the Application.

All the races performed on behalf of the Passenger are indicated in the history of the trips in his/her Customer Account.

5. Obligation of T-Lix

5.1 - T-Lix Service Availability

T-Lix undertakes to make available to the User the Application allowing the execution of the T-Lix Service on the Territory as well as to make its best efforts to ensure its accessibility and proper functioning.‍

As such, T-Lix undertakes to ensure that the Application is accessible 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, except in the case of force majeure or unforeseeable and insurmountable behavior of a third party, and subject to possible breakdowns and maintenance and updating interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the Application.

‍Given the specificities of the Internet and telecommunication networks, T-Lix cannot guarantee permanent availability of the Application.‍

In addition, T-Lix may at any time suspend certain functionalities of the Application with a view to their improvement or remove certain functionalities with a view to their replacement.

5.2 - Put in contact with a driver

T-Lix undertakes to transmit the Passenger's Request for a Ride and the corresponding fare estimate to the nearest Drivers.‍

Thanks to the technological solution developed by T-Lix, T-Lix makes its best efforts to enable the connection with a Driver. ‍

As this is a simple connection and as it is a third party to the transport contract that will be concluded thanks to the use of the Application, T-Lix cannot guarantee :

- that a vehicle will be systematically available and that the Passenger's Request for a Ride will result in a Ride, just as the estimated waiting time is provided as an indication only, based on the tool used by T-Lix.

- that a Driver will accept a request for a ride from a Passenger. that a Driver will accept to pick up the Passenger even if the Request for Ride has been confirmed by the Driver.

6. Obligations of the User

6.1 - Obligations common to all Users

All users undertake to :

- to respect the laws and regulations in force and not to undermine public order, good morals or the rights of third parties, and not to infringe any legislative or regulatory provision ;

- to respect, in particular, the provisions of the Highway Code ;

- to provide T-Lix with all the information necessary for the proper execution of the T-Lix Service, which must be sincere, accurate and free of error when creating the Account, and to keep this information up to date ;

- to use the Application in accordance with its purpose and object, and to make fair use of it ;

- to refrain from any behavior likely to interrupt, suspend, slow down or prevent the continuity of the T-Lix Service, in particular to refrain from any intrusion or attempted intrusion into T-Lix computer systems.

6.2. Obligations of the Passenger

The Passenger expressly undertakes to :

- to be of legal age and have the capacity to contract with T-Lix ;

- to respect, in particular, the provisions of the Highway Code (for example, the obligation to use a child seat if travelling with passengers under the age of 10) ;

- to arrive at the pick-up location agreed with the Driver via the Application, unless he/she is exposed to deletion of the Customer Account after three non-cancelled absences after confirmation of a Request for a Ride ;

- to behave in an appropriate, polite and respectful manner with the Driver and to avoid any behaviour that could jeopardise his/her own safety or that of the Driver and/or third parties; the use of the Application by the Passenger may be suspended in the event of failure to comply with any of the obligations set out in articles 6. 1 and 6.2.

6.3. Obligations of the Driver

The Driver expressly undertakes to :

- pay the Application/subscription management fee to access the Application ;

- prove that they hold a professional cab driver's card and a parking card;- show up with the vehicle whose characteristics have been recorded in the Driver Account ;

- ensure that their transport service complies with all legal or regulatory requirements in force ;

- comply, in particular, with the provisions of the Highway Code ;

- show up at the pick-up location agreed with the Passenger except in the following cases :

o The Passenger is intoxicated ;

o The Passenger does not show up ;

o In the presence of an animal weighing more than 8 kg and not placed in a cage ;

o In case of danger for the safety of the Driver or the vehicle ;

o If the number of passengers is greater than the capacity of the vehicle ;

o If the Passenger does not have the mandatory equipment necessary for the transport of young children ;

o In case of force majeure ;

- to behave appropriately, politely and respectfully with the Passenger and to avoid any behaviour that could jeopardise his/her own safety or that of the Passenger and/or third parties;The use of the Application by the Driver may be suspended in the event of non-compliance with one of the obligations set out in Articles 6. 1 and 6.3.

6.4. Consequences in case of breach of User's obligations

In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of the T&Cs or, more generally, of an infringement of the laws and regulations in force by a User, T-Lix reserves the right to take any appropriate measure and, in particular, to :

- Suspend access to the User's Services,

- Delete the User's Account,

regardless of whether he or she is a Passenger or a Driver, the perpetrator of the breach or infringement, or a participant in it.

7. Responsibility of T-Lix

The responsibility of T-Lix is limited to its status as a matchmaking operator.

T-Lix undertakes to provide the Services with diligence and according to the rules of the trade, it being specified that it has an obligation of means, to the exclusion of any obligation of result, which the Users expressly acknowledge and accept.

It is expressly accepted by Users that T-Lix does not provide transportation or logistics services and does not act as a carrier.

The transportation service is provided by the Drivers, who are independent third party providers and are not employed by T-Lix.

T-Lix is not a party to the relationship between Passengers and Drivers and does not intervene in any way in the Rides, their quality, their safety, their location, or their schedules.

T-Lix acts in its own name and does not enter into any legal act in the name of and on behalf of Passengers or Drivers, the Races being contracted and executed directly between them.‍

T-Lix shall not, under any circumstances, be held liable for any difficulties that may arise during the conclusion or execution of the Races, nor shall it be a party to any disputes whatsoever between a Passenger and a Driver concerning, in particular, the warranties, declarations and any other obligations whatsoever to which the Passenger or Driver may be bound.

Consequently, T-Lix's liability may in no case be incurred for causes that are external to it, in particular in the following cases :

- in the presence of an unforeseeable and insurmountable act by a third party and in particular in the event that the Driver behaves in an unforeseeable manner or does not respect the essential stipulations of the general partnership conditions binding him/her to T-Lix ;

- the Request for a Journey made by the Passenger has not resulted in a Journey due to the absence of available Drivers ;

- the Request for a Journey has not been honoured by the Driver who confirmed the Journey ;

- the Passenger has violated a stipulation of the GTC or has not followed the instructions appearing on the Application ;

- the Passenger has not respected the transport contract concluded with the Driver after having been put in contact with the latter ;

- in the event of fraudulent use of the Passenger's identifiers.

T-Lix does not guarantee in any way the accuracy of the geolocation carried out through the Application.

Users are responsible for verifying and correcting their location if necessary and, in the case of Passengers, for accurately entering their departure and arrival addresses.

In any case, the responsibility of T-Lix is limited to the proven direct damage suffered by the User.P

8. Duration and Termination of the T&Cs

The TOS are concluded for an indefinite period of time as of their acceptance by the User.

The User is free to terminate the TOS, to stop using the Application and/or to request the deletion of his Customer Account at any time and without notice.

T-Lix will be able to cancel the GCS in the cases envisaged in the aforementioned article 6 without notice by writing an email to the email address given by the User in his Account.

9. Intellectual property of T-Lix

The Application and each of the elements of which it is composed, in particular, but not exclusively, the software, structures, infrastructures, databases and content of any kind (texts, images, visuals, logos, brands, etc.) used by T-Lix are protected by all intellectual property rights in force and are the exclusive property of T-Lix

Thus, any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the Application or of each of the elements that make it up, is prohibited without the authorization of T-Lix.

The User is also prohibited from using, reproducing, adapting, modifying, creating derivative works from, distributing, licensing, selling, transferring, publicly displaying, transmitting, broadcasting, or otherwise exploiting the Application and all of its component parts.

10. Personal data

T-Lix undertakes to comply with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (RGPD).‍

To learn more about T-Lix's processing of users' personal data, T-Lix's privacy policy can be accessed by clicking on the following link : Privacy Policy

11. Advertising and links to third-party sites

T-Lix reserves the right to insert advertising or promotional messages in any place of the Application.‍

T-Lix cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the technical availability of websites or mobile applications operated by third parties (including its possible partners) to which the User would have access via the Application.

T-Lix does not incur any liability :
- for content, advertising, products and/or services available on such third-party sites and mobile applications that are governed by their own terms of use.

- for transactions between the User and any advertiser, professional or merchant (including any of its partners) to whom the User is directed through the Application

12. Customer service

For any question or request for information concerning the Application and the T-Lix Service, the User may contact the customer service department :

- By email: by sending an email to the address contact@tlix.app

- By telephone: on the following number 0618999747

13. Applicable law - Mediation - Jurisdiction

13.1. Applicable law

The TOS shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French law.

13.2 Open mediation for Passengers

In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code concerning the amicable settlement of disputes, it is possible to have recourse to the service of a mediator in order to try to find a favourable outcome to a dispute which has not been settled following a prior approach by a Passenger to T-Lix.

The Passenger is free to accept or refuse recourse to mediation, and in the event of recourse to mediation, T-Lix or the Passenger are free to accept or refuse the solution proposed by the mediator.

13.3. Competent Jurisdiction

Pursuant to Article R. 631-3 of the French Consumer Code, the Passenger may, in addition to one of the courts having territorial jurisdiction under the French Code of Civil Procedure, choose the court of the place where he/she resided at the time of the conclusion of the contract or at the time of the occurrence of the harmful event.

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